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A Beginner’s Guide to Composting at Home

A Beginner’s Guide to Composting at Home

Interested in the idea of composting at home but unsure where to begin? Here’s a little inspiration to get you started:

What is compost?


Compost is biological material that has been decomposed. When added to soil, compost can actually help plants grow. It helps soil retain water and nutrients by essentially giving them something to latch onto. Compost makes it easier for plant roots to penetrate and find moisture.

Why should you compost?


By composting, you’re helping to keep garden and kitchen waste from ending up in landfills where they take up precious space and release a greenhouse gas known as methane. 

Think of composting as an inexpensive, organic process that converts your garden and kitchen waste into valuable food for your garden. 

How can you start composting?


  • Find a dry space in the shade near a source of water for your compost bin if possible.
  • As you collect organic waste materials, add them to your compost bin. Be sure to chop larger pieces.
  • Slightly dampen any dry materials as you add them to the bin.
  • Once you have a pile of compost, add some green waste (such as grass clippings) to the pile and mix together. Embed some fruit and vegetable waste under approximately 10-15 inches of compost.
  • When the material at the bottom of your compost pile appears dark, you can start using your compost. Your compost can take anywhere between a couple of months to a couple of years to be ready for use.

While composting can require patience, it’s great knowing that you are contributing towards a better garden and a healthier planet. Check out this great article for even more inspiration.

To learn more about what we believe in, head over to Discover how the Smart Garden 3 and Smart Garden 9 make growing fresh, organic food and flowers at home easier than ever.

Be sure to check out our blog for valuable features such as green living tips, ways to create sustainable homes, the importance of food safety, how to grow plants indoors and much more.

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