Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


The Click & Grow Cheat Sheet of Plant Uses, Benefits and Care Tips

The Click & Grow Plant Cheat Sheet: Plant Uses, Plant Benefits, Plant Care Tips


With our refill selection growing continuously, such questions as "Is Catnip really just for cats?", "What do I do with Red Shiso?", "What are the health benefits of Cockscomb?" and "What should I grow next?" can come up more and more often. We've got all the answers right here. 


Pick your plant


Plant Plant uses Plant benefits Plant care tips for growing in the Smart Garden Symbolism and interesting facts

Pesto or marinara sauce, pasta, pizza, summer cocktails, smoothies and even brownies!

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial; a rich source of vitamin K (heart health) and manganese (regulates blood sugar levels, thyroid gland and sex hormone health, betters calcium absorption)

Trim it regularly, once it has grown at least 3 pairs of leaves. This is how to do it. A symbol of both love and hatred. If basil is gifted to a member of the opposite sex, he or she will fall deeply in love with the giver and be forever faithful. However, the first recordings of basil show that it was considered so evil that the land around it had to be cursed for it to grow well
Thai Basil Soups, stir-fries and curries (as it can be cooked for longer without losing its sweet anise flavour and cinnamon-clove scent). Pairs great with pork A good source of vitamin A (reproductive and immune system health), B6 (immune system, metabolism and hormone control) and B12; antibacterial. For best results, press it in a juicer and drink as a juice shot Trim it regularly, once it has grown at least 3 pairs of leaves.  This is how to do it. Symbolises holiness, purification and protection - it's scattered on graveyards in India
Red Basil

Salads, pestos and brushettas. Spicier than other basil varieties. Works great in dried decorative arrangements

Prevents premature aging; good source of vitamin A (reproductive and immune system health) Trim it regularly, once it has grown at least 3 pairs of leaves.  This is how to do it.
Dwarf Basil Most decorative basil variety. For garnishing desserts and savory dishes, great in various basil beverages. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial; a rich source of vitamin K (heart health) and manganese (regulates blood sugar levels, thyroid gland and sex hormone health, betters calcium absorption) No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting, trim once it has grown at least 3 pairs of leaves.  This is how to do it.
Bloody Sorrel Salads, smoothies, sandwiches, spring recipes, garnishing savory dishes, pairs well with white fish An extremely rich source of vitamins A (reproductive and immune system health), B9 (immune system, metabolism and hormone control) and C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) No special maintenance necessary The Latin name for the sorrel family is Rumex, meaning "I suck" :)
Catnip Repels mosquitos, has a calming effect on humans and a drug-like effect on cats. Great in tea or catnip cookies Calms restless sleep, relieves anxiety and stress, detoxifies the body, treats indigestion No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out Bring luck in love affairs. Also, given to your cat, it will create a psychic bond between you two
Chili Pepper Add to anything that needs to be made spicier. Pairs well with chocolate Packed with beta-carotene (which transforms into vitamin A to take care of skin, eye and hair health), as well as vitamin C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) Don't forget to pollinate and do NOT cut the plant. The leaves will naturally start wilting and getting color as the plant is going to start forming fruits. If more than 2 sprouts reach the dome, pick the additional ones out, leaving 1-2 sprouts growing Symbolises fidelity and love; has healing and protecting powers
Chives To be added to various savory dishes in the last minute. Great in dips, with quesadillas and on baked potatoes Very low in sodium (and we all know we should eat less of that); adds a good amount of dietary finer to the diet No special maintenance necessary Symbolize harmony, balance and abundance

Historically used to cleanse the auras and spirits. Great addition to soups and fish dishes

Cares for the digestive and intestinal health, relieves cough. Used externally, it is rumoured to fight aging signs No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out A symbol of cleansing and purification - a biblical plant
Leaf Mustard Burgers, salads, omelettes Packed with crazy amounts of the three most powerful antioxidants: vitamins K (heart health), A (reproductive and immune system health) and C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) No special maintenance necessary Symbolizes fertility and mental powers
Lemon Balm Teas, ice teas, desserts, smoothies. Pairs great with peach Used for digestive problems and to relieve anxiety. Helps with ADHD, high blood pressure and sores No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out A symbolic plant used to transfer messages between lovers. Brings healing, health, friendship and love
Marjoram Pairs great with any meat, cheese, eggs and tomatoes. Should be added in the end stages of cooking An excellent source of calcium (maintains strong bones), magnesium (calms nerves and relieves anxiety), potassium (relieves anxiety, reduces blood pressure, enhances muscle health) and phosphorus (bone and teeth health) No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out A symbol of happiness - both ancient Greeks and Romans crowned couples with marjoram to symbolize love, honor and happiness
Mini Tomato Salads, sides, savory dishes, pasta, plain and simple for snacking Excellent source of vitamin C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) and lycopene (prevents heart disease and most cancers) Don't forget to pollinate and do NOT cut the plant. The leaves will naturally start wilting and getting color as the plant is going to start forming fruits. If more than 2 sprouts reach the dome, pick the additional ones out, leaving 1-2 sprouts growing Forms stronger bonds between romantic partners - a symbol of love and sex
Oregano Pizza. Pairs with tomato dishes, meat and eggs Contains potent antioxidants thymol and rosmarinic acid (prevents cell damage), a good source of various vitamins No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out Banishes sadness and helps letting go of a loved one - symbolizes joy and happiness
Parsley Adds balance to a savory dish - just like lemon juice. Roasted lamb, grilles steaks, fish, chicken, vegetables, soups, smoothies A very rich source of vitamins K (helps the intestinal system to function properly) and C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) No special maintenance necessary A symbol of spring and rebirth
Peppermint Salads, desserts, ice-cream, soft drinks, smoothies, cocktails, meat Its essential oils have strong cooling and calming capabilities, solving issues with bad breath and digestion on the way. Try drinking peppermint tea after dinner! No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out Symbolize love and psychic powers
Sage White fish, soups, medicinal teas Effective in treating ulcers and cold sores No special maintenance necessary Used in immortality spells and for granting of wishes
Red Shiso Asian cuisine: Woks, pickled dishes, soups, fish, salads. Great for juicing, smoothies and ice teas Rich in dietary fiber, vitamins C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) and A (reproductive and immune system health), calcium and iron, as well as unique antioxidants No special maintenance necessary
Stevia Fresh leaves in tea, smoothies or snacking, dried or powdered - in desserts, tea, coffee A healthy sugar replacement, helps with battling and preventing diabetes. Contains potassium (relieves anxiety, reduces blood pressure, enhances muscle health) No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out A symbol of sweet love and nurturance
Thyme Italian cuisine, soups, stews, eggplant, hot pepper recipes, lemon desserts, tea, cocktails A powerful antioxidant, a great source of vitamin C (boosts immune system, lowers hypertension, maintains elasticity of the skin) and iron (providing blood cells with oxygen) No special maintenance necessary. For harvesting...check this out Symbolises courage, style and elegance
Wild Strawberry Berries for desserts, snacks or dessert, cocktail and drink garnishes; leaves for tea Prevents wrinkles and improves the overall complexion, powerful for preventing cancer, treats diarrhea and indigestion Don't forget to pollinate and do NOT cut the plant Means "the root of the heart" and symbolises intimacy. Also the symbol of Venus - the goddess of love
Busy Lizzie Decorative Never fails to make your Smart Herb Garden look like a flower bomb Pick off the wilting flowers A symbol of royalty and divine protection
Cockscomb Decorative, also makes for great stews, soups and sides Rich in vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Used to treat various kinds of internal bleedings, as well as to stop liver fire and hypertension No special maintenance necessary Symbolizes affection
Cornflower Decorative, also medicinal as tea Cornflower tea is used to detoxify the body and treat fever. Rich in mineral salts and calcium No special maintenance necessary A symbol of old traditions. Also called the "bachelors button" - single men used to wear it in their buttonholes
French Marigold Decorative. Popular spice in Georgian and Caucasian cuisine Protects against infections and inflammations. Helps get rid of mosquitos, fleas, bed bugs etc Pick off the wilting flowers unless you want to collect seeds Symbolizes both the grief over a lost love and happiness in a relationship
Lavender Decorative. Great in desserts, soft drinks, cocktails, teas. Popular as a scent Eliminated nervous tension, sedative. Disinfects. Treats respiratory problems. A good source of iron No special maintenance necessary. For trimming and harvesting, check this out A symbol of love, devotion and purity
Mimosa Decorative, medicinal as juice or water extract Used for treating wounds, very good for treating diarrhea. Anti diabetic. Very fun to touch - it moves! No special maintenance necessary Removes the sense of isolation and symbolizes strength
Moss Rose Decorative Looks fantastic in your Smart Herb Garden Pick off the wilting flowers Symbolizes voluptuous love
Painted Nettle Decorative A super easy-to care for decorative - subtle yet impressive No special maintenance necessary
Petunia Decorative Makes your Smart Herb Garden look really impressive Pick off the wilting flowers A symbol of anger and resentment, as well as the desire to spend time with someone who's company you find soothing and peaceful
Spruce Decorative Enables you to partake in our mission of urban reforestation! Transplant outside after 5-6 months A symbol of peace, protection and attending to your dreams
Sweet Alyssum Decorative Looks adorable and distributes a subtle, sweet scent No special maintenance necessary Provides emotional balance


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