Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


July Click & Growers Community Round Up!

July Click & Growers Community Round Up!

Can you believe July is over?! Where has the time gone and where is Summer escaping off too? Even with all the BBQs, travels, and beach weather this summer you all have managed to keep your plants just as healthy and green as possible, with a little help from the Smart Gardens we are assuming 😉 It's ok we love that our indoor gardens are taken care of when we use our PTO too! 

For all of you sharing your growing experience with us online, thank you, and we put together some of our favourite posts we saw on social media! 

Summertime Growth & Harvests:

"@feliciaklf: Never imagined I could grow sweet bell pepper myself. Finally my yellow cherry tomato flowers. Can't wait to see them. 😄🍒 Many great things you will learn through gardening and glad to have this #clickandgrow that make things easier."
"@sotdiary: Week 10! Mini tomatoes soon to be harvest! It’s so cute and mini. #clickandgrow #minitomato #urbangardening"
"@edoliver7: And very nice lettuce and cherry tomatoes are coming on the other one! 🌱🌱🌱 #clickandgrow"
"@karenmhallI: Wish words could explain how much more delicious a healthy dinner tastes and smells when using fresh oregano and parsley grown in your office. 😋 just one of many pleasant surprises filling my day today! 😊"
"@mummybunMy first 🌶 harvest! #clickandgrow"

Does Growing During The Summer Count As Overtime?: 

"@amanduhl: [Day 36] Raising the bar. After 2 rounds of pruning to allow the basil plants to grow bushier, I decided to add the last extension arm."

"@louisyiwenluo: And Seattle has racks..."

File This Under "Recipes To Try":

"@shanewei: Fancy a bun with just nett carb of 2g? I made this from a recipe found on internet. 15mins prep work and 55mins in the oven. Finally got my CRAVINGS satisfied!! It's so good I feel like having another one. 🍔
Oh, and the lettuce? It's from my Click & Grow 'garden'!
Here's the recipe:"
"@estersallThat damn #clickandgrow producing so much basil that there isn't enough pizza in the world"

Turn Any Home Into A Country Home With Fresh Greens: 

"@rosalindsk: Tommy is growing really well with abundance of flowers waiting to produce little tomatoes. I’m a proud urban gardener despite growing up thinking that I’m a plant “killer”."
"@kallepalling: Inspiring view from terrace, but not outside this time... #clickandgrow"
"@j_i_s_e_l_l_e_zDay 19 : 28 Jul 2018.There is significant great difference between growing speed of Basil and Lavendar... I like the smell of the Basil..😋"

Getting Ready For Fall, One Pine Sprout At A Time:

"@vertigobirdie: Baby pine tree 🌲💖@clickandgrow"


If you're growing your own plants and herbs at home, make sure to tag us, using @clickandgrow, or to use #clickandgrow when you post a photo! We love seeing how you guys grow and what you grow! See you all next month Click & Growers 😊

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