Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more

  • Dan Thompson Food Comic


    You might have noticed that the vegetables you get in the store do not really taste right in the last years. Tomatoes, that our parents shared sweet, flavorful memories about, are now...well, bland. But why is that? Have we gotten so used to the intense flavor pop sodas and BBQ ribs have to offer that we can't appreciate the good old tomato? Maybe, but that's not exactly it.

    Why Does Our Food Taste Like Cardboard?
    Food Science Foodie Nutrition

    Why Does Our Food Taste Like Cardboard?

  • Valentine's Day arrow


    Gifts are a tricky thing - they can make or break your relationship. And despite the pressure, we keep trying to find The One. The perfect gift.

    When brainstorming about what to gift our better halves for Valentine's, we started wondering about what the perfect gift actually is. What makes it perfect? Is there a formula to follow to ensure that we always get it right?

    So we started dissecting the anatomy of the perfect Valentine's gifts we've gotten throughout the years, and trying to map the common characteristics. And here they are - the 4 traits of a perfect Valentine's Day gift. If you've ever gotten one, you'll know what we're talking about.

    4 Traits Of A Perfect Valentine's Day Gift
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens

    4 Traits Of A Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

  • A little while ago we caught up with Ben from the popular Youtube channel HomeMadeModern and had a little chat about today's home, food and technology. One thing lead to another, and it was clear that we needed to do a collab together. So, after just a few days, Ben got his first Smart Herb Garden and here's how he got started!



    Get a Smart Herb Garden

    And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this!

    Smart Herb Garden Setup And Unboxing By Ben
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens

    Smart Herb Garden Setup And Unboxing By Ben

  • Oregano


    Up there together with Mini Tomato, Chili Pepper, Moss Rose, Wild Strawberry, Petunia, Peppermint and Catnip, Oregano is one of the most loved Smart Herb Garden refills. And just when we all thought we know everything there is about this special little turned out we don't. Here's 4 things (and a little more) you most probably didn't know about the so-called “Mountain delight”!

    4+ Oregano Facts You Didn't Know
    Nutrition Plants

    4+ Oregano Facts You Didn't Know

  • The fact that NASA is in the DNA of Click & Grow is a well-know fact.  But what you might not know is that over time, many of our refills have shown characteristics of various Star Wars characters. So much so that we couldn’t resist creating this infographic to show you exactly what we mean when we say Luke Skywalker is sooooo Basil. Here's the truth about what's growing in your Smart Herb Garden!


    Star Wars characters

    Get the Click & Grow Star Wars plants

    The Spirit Plants Of Star Wars Characters
    Fun Stuff Gardening and plants

    The Spirit Plants Of Star Wars Characters


    Exactly a week has passed since New Year's eve, and we've finally wrapped our head around the fact that it's again time for fresh starts. But before we really kickstart the New Year, we'd like to take a brief second to mark down the key moments for us from 2015. Thank you for believing in Click & Grow and helping us experience these big moments. Happy New Year!

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015
    Indoor gardens News

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015


    Even though a screening of The Elf, Home Alone or The Grinch is mandatory every December, we're growing a little tired of the traditional oh-so-nice Christmas movie lists. And we're sure we're not alone in this - after all, the Click & Grow family is nothing but geeks, freaks and badasses. They even grow plants the badass way. (wink wink)

    So the status of being food tech geeks by day and movie geeks by night made us feel knowledgeable enough to drop you some alternative Christmas movie ideas. Sit back and enjoy!

    P.S. Merry Christmas.

    7 Christmas Movies for Geeks, Freaks and Badasses
    Fun Stuff Mental health

    7 Christmas Movies for Geeks, Freaks and Badasses



    Each plant has its “thing”, just like people. We all know that you eat licorice to relieve cough, snack on stevia to substitute sugar and get in better shape, and make a brew of coffee beans to get more energy. But there's also many plants that you don't necessarily have to eat to benefit from their “thing”. It can be enough to just smell them - yes, they're that powerful. Considering that we're craving a Big Mac more than herbs and greens when having a headache, this sounds like pretty good news to us. So to have these great-smelling hacks all in one place, here's a list of 5 herbs that will solve 5 problems you may have. They're dope.

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems
    Mental health Plants Tips and Tricks

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems

  • Image:


    It's that time of the year again - the time of giving thanks. And quite often - eating more than ever. Since that happens just once a year, we should go all in, and go in good. To make your Thanksgiving dining experience even more delicious, and reduce the amount of tny panic attacks throughout the cooking process, here are 2 delicious and simple main course recipes and 1 even simpler dessert hack.

    2 Must-Have Thanksgiving Recipes and 1 Dessert Hack
    Foodie Recipes

    2 Must-Have Thanksgiving Recipes and 1 Dessert Hack

  •  Click & Grow Dwarf Basil for Smart Herb Garden plant test


    The Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden is definitely the most utilized one in our HQ. Basically, 70% of plants growing there are something new, that're not out there yet. And it seems to be one of the most popular ones amongst the Click & Growers all over the world as well!

    A Sneak-Peak Into Our Plant Tests: Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden
    Gardening and plants News Plants

    A Sneak-Peak Into Our Plant Tests: Experimental Refill for Smart Herb Garden


    From the beginnings of time, plants were there not only to feed us and make the world more beautiful, but also to deliver messages. We're sure you've read some old tale back when you were a kid about a man who gave a rose to his woman as a symbol of love. Even Shakespeare recognised violet to represent faith in his Hamlet.

    And so we asked ourselves - what if we'd thank the people around us with plants? After all - Thanksgiving is coming up soon! And this time we want to give a gift of meaning and life to our most beloved ones, rather than yet another Christmas sweater.

    17 new ways to give meaningful thanks to someone
    Fun Stuff Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    17 new ways to give meaningful thanks to someone