Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more



    An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But why is that? Of course, if you throw it hard enough, it will keep anyone away. However, scientists are actually convinced that the flavonoid components in the apple skin are responsible for our good health.

    What makes plants healthy?
    Food Science Foodie Nutrition

    What makes plants healthy?


    Fall/winter season has never been famous for its fresh produce, even though these are the times we need vitamins the most. For supporting our immune system, for thinning out the “winter coats” gifted by the so-generously-consumed comfort foods and for adding a little sensation of spring & summer to our long and cold nights. Here are the TOP 6 edibles that will make this year's fall/winter season truly stand out! Get them in your local supermarket or even easier- grow them on your own windowsill with zero effort in the Smart Herb Garden!

    TOP 6 edibles for fall & winter
    Foodie Plants Recipes

    TOP 6 edibles for fall & winter


    Parsley is one of the world's most popular herbs. It has been cultivated for 2,000 years, and was used medicinally long before that. Highly nutritious, it is a great addition to our Smart Herb Garden refill selection.

    Parsley has many health benefits and has been used as a cure for many ailments. It contains more vitamin C than any other standard culinary vegetable, approximately three times as much as oranges and about the same as blackcurrants, making it the ultimate vitamin bomb.

    What's inside parsley?
    Nutrition Plants

    What's inside parsley?

  • Gif: Hrushikesh


    We have already touched the topic of plant communication briefly before. While it might seem that each tree and flower is enjoying peace and solitude throughout its lifetime, it’s not entirely true. They're actually letting other plants and living creatures as far as miles away know of what's happening around by releasing specific chemicals, by transmitting electric signals, by releasing specific vibrations, by using their roots etc. The plants have actually gone as far as developing a “plant internet” that lets them communicate with each other. But the most noticeable tool of communication of plants is their movement. And we actually tend to use it for our own entertainment! Think of mimosa and you'll understand what we're talking about.

    Some plants are basically tech gadgets. Here's why.
    Food Science Gardening and plants Plants

    Some plants are basically tech gadgets. Here's why.


    A lot of people don't consider plants to be the most exciting thing in the world, as they don't move, talk or interact with you. But hey, there is one that does those things. If you followed us on Instagram in early spring, you might already know that we're talking about nothing other than the Mimosa Pudica.

    You won't be able to stop touching or watching this
    Fun Stuff Gardening and plants Plants

    You won't be able to stop touching or watching this


    We have a new superstar among our refills - the Dwarf Basil. It's basically the regular basil after the extreme makeover. The same capabilities and good qualities in a lot more compact and better looking form. It has a slightly more peppery flavor that's amazing for spicing up savory dishes. But that's not it. The great looks make it a lot better for herb cocktails - it gives up a lot more flavor and it makes the cocktail look more decorative. Here's our 3 favorite recipes!

    3 surprising dwarf basil cocktail recipes
    Foodie Plants Recipes

    3 surprising dwarf basil cocktail recipes

  • Pruning basil


    Basil is by far the most popular herb being grown in the Smart Herb Garden. And for a reason! It's looks sexy, it smells delicious and it's incredibly versatile. The heck, you can even make beer out of it! And as all good things, we want it to last longer, produce more and keep looking handsome. The key is in pruning. How to prune basil? We're glad you asked.

    How To Prune Basil
    Gardening and plants Plants Tips and Tricks

    How To Prune Basil

  • We usually avoid playing favorites, but Thyme is one of our favourite herbs out there - no wonder we've praised it to be the plant of the most wonderful month of the year. If you're not as big of a fan of Thyme yet as we are, be prepared - here are 6 facts about Thyme that will make you reconsider.


    6 Things You Didn't Know About Thyme
    Nutrition Plants

    6 Things You Didn't Know About Thyme


    We’re all familiar with the decorative value of indoor plants. They’re beautiful additions to a room and can help to create a sense of comfort. But we often forget to consider the role of plants in creating a healthy indoor environment. Here are 4 not very widely known factors that support adding plants indoors:

    1. Plants help to fight colds. When people talk about precautionary measures which help to fight off colds, they usually mention dressing up warmly and occasionally drinking a cup of tea or two. But what about adding plants indoors?

    Houseplants – more than just decorations
    Fun Stuff Mental health Plants

    Houseplants – more than just decorations


    Stevia or "Sugar Leaf" might not be the poshest representative of the plant kingdom - no bright flowers or coloured leaves, but this plant has some inner qualities that once tried are hard to forget.

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener
    Gardening and plants Plants

    Sugar Leaf - The Natural Sweetener

  • Every Tuesday we cover the uses and qualities of our edible Click & Grow plants. This week we’ll look at Chili Pepper!

    Click & Grow Chili Pepper


    The chili pepper, also known as chile pepper or chilli pepper, is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum. It’s estimated that Chili peppers have been a part of the human diet since at least 7500 BC. Archaeological evidence at sites located in Southwestern-Ecuador suggest that chili peppers were domesticated more than 6000 years ago. Astonishing!

    A look at our edibles - Chili Pepper
    Gardening and plants Plants

    A look at our edibles - Chili Pepper

  • Every Tuesday we cover the uses and qualities of our edible Click & Grow plants. This week we’ll look at Lemon Balm. 

    Click & Grow Lemon Balm


    Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) originates from Europe and it has been cultivated in the Mediterranean region for around 2000 years. The plant is widely known for its health benefits. For example, it’s known that Charles V, the King of France in the 14th century, drank Lemon Balm tea every day to stay in good health.

    A look at our edibles – Lemon Balm
    Gardening and plants Plants

    A look at our edibles – Lemon Balm