Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more



    Each plant has its “thing”, just like people. We all know that you eat licorice to relieve cough, snack on stevia to substitute sugar and get in better shape, and make a brew of coffee beans to get more energy. But there's also many plants that you don't necessarily have to eat to benefit from their “thing”. It can be enough to just smell them - yes, they're that powerful. Considering that we're craving a Big Mac more than herbs and greens when having a headache, this sounds like pretty good news to us. So to have these great-smelling hacks all in one place, here's a list of 5 herbs that will solve 5 problems you may have. They're dope.

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems
    Mental health Plants Tips and Tricks

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems


    From the beginnings of time, plants were there not only to feed us and make the world more beautiful, but also to deliver messages. We're sure you've read some old tale back when you were a kid about a man who gave a rose to his woman as a symbol of love. Even Shakespeare recognised violet to represent faith in his Hamlet.

    And so we asked ourselves - what if we'd thank the people around us with plants? After all - Thanksgiving is coming up soon! And this time we want to give a gift of meaning and life to our most beloved ones, rather than yet another Christmas sweater.

    17 new ways to give meaningful thanks to someone
    Fun Stuff Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    17 new ways to give meaningful thanks to someone

  • via GIPHY


    Internet is a glorious place - one can find anything here. You can learn it all from kissing and finding your TV remote to unlocking your cat's heart to emotion in no time. While a tutorial on how to make up a joke fast is no surprise to us (we all have at least one moment we could have used this), a promise on changing your cat's attitude from “I don't give a shit” to “You're the best human slave” sounds almost unbelievable. But there is, in fact, a very simple way - Catnip cookies (originally called “Kitty Kisses”). Here's what you do:

    Catnip Cookies - Unlock Your Cat's Heart
    Foodie Plants Recipes

    Catnip Cookies - Unlock Your Cat's Heart

  • Pruning basil


    Basil is by far the most popular herb being grown in the Smart Herb Garden. And for a reason! It's looks sexy, it smells delicious and it's incredibly versatile. The heck, you can even make beer out of it! And as all good things, we want it to last longer, produce more and keep looking handsome. The key is in pruning. How to prune basil? We're glad you asked.

    How To Prune Basil
    Gardening and plants Plants Tips and Tricks

    How To Prune Basil


    On social media and from your emails, we've noticed that you get quite attached to the plants you grow in your Click & Grow. And for a reason! We do understand though that as much as you want to try out new plants, it is sad to see the "old" ones go. So before you send that sexy Smart Herb Garden mini tomato off to a better place, check out this little trick we have in our pocket - plant cloning in water. 

    Click & Clone your perfect-looking basil in 4 easy steps
    Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    Click & Clone your perfect-looking basil in 4 easy steps


    With the Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed being the most anticipated and the most celebrated Smart flowerbed Refill in the history of Click & Grow, we decided to put together a list of must-dos to help you get the most out of it.

    But before we begin, let's answer this one question. Why is it so cool to grow strawberries with Click & Grow?

    Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed from A to Z
    Gardening and plants Indoor gardens Tips and Tricks

    Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed from A to Z


    Ever wondered why your Tomato, Strawberry or Chilli Pepper has so little fruits? The answer is simple - they just need some funny business in their life, too. Some so-called "arrangements" or "romantic hangouts with other plants". Basically, your plants simply need to go out on a date, to give you more of those juicy tomatoes and other goodies. And as weird as it sounds, you need to help them... doing it the plant way. Or actually, the bee way.


    Your Click & Grow plants are doing it too
    Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    Your Click & Grow plants are doing it too


    Here at the Northern hemisphere we are getting ready for winter. Our supporters from Down-Under can skip this section for now.

    Basic knowledge is that plants need 3 things to thrive - water, minerals and sunlight. Click & Grow takes care of the first two, so taking care of the light part is the plant owners liability.

    Taking care of plants during winter
    Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    Taking care of plants during winter

  • Winter has arrived unexpectedly, as usual. In most places around the world it means that plants need much more care than normally. During winter, the most complicated issue for plants is lack of light.

    What’s interesting is that people understand the necessity of light differently. A lot of our customers from Brazil complain that they don't have enough light there while customers from Norway confirm they have more light than necessary to grow their plants. We should bear in mind that plants feel light in their own way, not the way we do. How could we know, whether our plant has light enough for sprouting and growing? 

    Here are some pictures of our customers’ plants and you can clearly see that the plants bend towards the light, desperately searching for it, stretching and suffering from the light stress: 

    Light, light, light!
    Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    Light, light, light!