Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more


    We've noticed that it's when the Smart Herb Garden has just been set up that the impatience kicks in. Are the sprouts there yet? Where are they? When are they gonna come?

    Sounds familiar? The good news is, you're totally not alone. And we're here to make it easier for you to get through this stage of Click & Growing.

    Here are some of the thousands of pictures and videos other Click & Growers have posted on Instagram of their plants (including the awesome mimosa video above!). There's anything from curvy tomatoes to exotic experimental decoratives. And this is exactly how your Smart Herb Garden is gonna look like in just a little while. That's a promise.

    Now settle in, scroll through and wait for the sprouts to come knocking!

    Just Started Your Smart Garden? This Is What It's Gonna Look Like.
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens Plants

    Just Started Your Smart Garden? This Is What It's Gonna Look Like.

  • Valentine's Day arrow


    Gifts are a tricky thing - they can make or break your relationship. And despite the pressure, we keep trying to find The One. The perfect gift.

    When brainstorming about what to gift our better halves for Valentine's, we started wondering about what the perfect gift actually is. What makes it perfect? Is there a formula to follow to ensure that we always get it right?

    So we started dissecting the anatomy of the perfect Valentine's gifts we've gotten throughout the years, and trying to map the common characteristics. And here they are - the 4 traits of a perfect Valentine's Day gift. If you've ever gotten one, you'll know what we're talking about.

    4 Traits Of A Perfect Valentine's Day Gift
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens

    4 Traits Of A Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

  • A little while ago we caught up with Ben from the popular Youtube channel HomeMadeModern and had a little chat about today's home, food and technology. One thing lead to another, and it was clear that we needed to do a collab together. So, after just a few days, Ben got his first Smart Herb Garden and here's how he got started!



    Get a Smart Herb Garden

    And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this!

    Smart Herb Garden Setup And Unboxing By Ben
    Fun Stuff Indoor gardens

    Smart Herb Garden Setup And Unboxing By Ben


    Exactly a week has passed since New Year's eve, and we've finally wrapped our head around the fact that it's again time for fresh starts. But before we really kickstart the New Year, we'd like to take a brief second to mark down the key moments for us from 2015. Thank you for believing in Click & Grow and helping us experience these big moments. Happy New Year!

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015
    Indoor gardens News

    Click & Grow biggest moments of 2015


    We're in need for someone like our Smart gardens - geeky, analytical and advanced.

    You'd be given the chance to improve Click & Grow's online presence at all levels. As an important member of our team you'd be working alongside with our marketing department and our development partners.

    We are looking for an online marketing manager!
    Indoor gardens News

    We are looking for an online marketing manager!