Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.

Research and development

Project: Efficient lighting solutions for plant growing equipment


Click & Grow, carries out an applied research project in 21.02.2022 - 30.06.2023, in the course of the project, product lighting solutions will be developed: a test methodology for potential LEDs used in products will be created, possibilities will be explored to reduce light pollution with innovative optical details, which in turn would increase the efficiency of the lamps and the effect of spectrally different lights on plant growth will be tested.

The project's eligible budget is 59 452,90 eur of which 60% (35 671,74 eur) is covered by Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus from the inter-sectoral mobility grant and 40% (23 781,16 eur) by Click & Grow.

Project activities are carried out in Tartu, Estonia.


Project: New cost-effective concepts for Click & Grow indoor gardens


Click & Grow, in collaboration with Tartu University, carries out an applied research project in 01.03.2020 - 31.08.2022 in order to develop the concept of a new growth substrate and compatible growing device concepts at TRL6.

The project's eligible budget is 285 979,88 eur of which 70% (200 185,91 eur) is covered by Riigi Tugiteenuste Keskus from the smart specialisation programme and 30% (85 793,96 eur) by Click & Grow.

Project activities are carried out in Tartu, Estonia. 


European Union European Regional Development Fund


Project: COST Action 19116 Trace metal metabolism in plants - PLANTMETALS


PLANTMETALS tackles basic and applied issues related to trace metal deficiency or excess levels in plant physiology and crop production by the combined expertise of physiologists, (bio)physicists, (bio)(geo)chemists, molecular geneticists, ecologists, agronomists and soil scientists. Knowledge will be translated to the needs of farmers and consumers, with inputs from companies.

Learn more about the project