Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more



    Each plant has its “thing”, just like people. We all know that you eat licorice to relieve cough, snack on stevia to substitute sugar and get in better shape, and make a brew of coffee beans to get more energy. But there's also many plants that you don't necessarily have to eat to benefit from their “thing”. It can be enough to just smell them - yes, they're that powerful. Considering that we're craving a Big Mac more than herbs and greens when having a headache, this sounds like pretty good news to us. So to have these great-smelling hacks all in one place, here's a list of 5 herbs that will solve 5 problems you may have. They're dope.

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems
    Mental health Plants Tips and Tricks

    5 Herbs That Will Fix Your Problems


    We all know the usual reasons for someone having plants around - they're pretty to look at, they produce oxygen, they remove harmful substances from the air, as well as CO2 (yay Polar bears!). But there is a lot more to them than you think...


    4 Reasons Why Plants Would Make Great Superheroes
    Fun Stuff Mental health

    4 Reasons Why Plants Would Make Great Superheroes


    As it turns out, there is a simple solution for most of your work problems. Something that's not even that magical, but that increases your productivity, focus, makes you happier and more satisfied. - plants!

    The Solution For All Your Work Problems
    Fun Stuff Mental health

    The Solution For All Your Work Problems


    We’re all familiar with the decorative value of indoor plants. They’re beautiful additions to a room and can help to create a sense of comfort. But we often forget to consider the role of plants in creating a healthy indoor environment. Here are 4 not very widely known factors that support adding plants indoors:

    1. Plants help to fight colds. When people talk about precautionary measures which help to fight off colds, they usually mention dressing up warmly and occasionally drinking a cup of tea or two. But what about adding plants indoors?

    Houseplants – more than just decorations
    Fun Stuff Mental health Plants

    Houseplants – more than just decorations