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10 Kickass Living Room Wall Art ideas for Plants Lovers

10 Kickass Living Room Wall Art ideas for Plants Lovers

Spacious living room decorated with plants

Creating a living room is all about the details

The living room is the heart of the home. It's where you entertain guests, relax after a long day of work, and simply enjoy your leisure time. For this reason, it’s important to decorate your space in a way that reflects your personality. 

It’s easy to feel flooded with images of the most popular design trends. The modern-style living room filled with Scandinavian elements; the eclectic living room brimming with antiques; the bohemian living room with its touches of leather and wood; and the minimalist living room that focuses on clean lines and simple structures: these are just some of the trends that have been popular over the years.

But what's next in home decor? What's going to be hot this year? Well, if you're passionate about plants like we are… then we’ve got some living room wall art ideas to get your creative juices flowing!

Here are 10 awesome living room wall art ideas for plant lovers:

1. Rope hanging baskets

Hanging flower basket

Hanging baskets are an excellent idea for decorating any plain wall. They won't take all that much space but will definitely liven up the interior. You can put various kinds of plants there, for example, herbs or fragrant flowers. Make it your own!


2. Wooden frames

Plants in wooden frames on a wall

Wooden frames are another option for adorning your walls. They are very simple to make with the help of some basic woodworking equipment. They look good with any type of plants, even those that prefer dry soil or no soil at all.


3. Succulent walls

Succulent plants framed on a wall

Succulent walls are another option. If you have a green thumb and want to create something more impressive than hanging baskets, succulent walls are definitely something to consider.


4. Pallet planters

Pallet planters in a stylish, cozy living room

Pallet planters are made from recycled pallets and can be used in many different ways in a garden or in a small house. Why not be adventurous and add one to your living room?


5. Metal open-frame shelves

Metal open-frame shelves holding potted plants

Metal open-frame shelves are perfect for displaying artistic pots with unique plants in them. You can put these frames on the wall at any height you want and even change their shape according to your choice. These frames are usually available in different designs so you have plenty of choices to pick from.


6. Plant grid

Plants hanging from a black plant grid

Plant grids are often used in living rooms to create a sophisticated look, but they can also be used in other places where plants are displayed. They’re perfect if you want to hang small plants for decoration. You can easily customize them according to your personal taste because there are endless options when it comes to choosing colors and finishes.


7. Plants draped over bookshelves

Plants draped over retro-style wooden bookshelves

Draping plants from the top of a bookshelf, bedroom wall, or entryway is one of the easiest ways to add greenery to your space. If you have a high enough ceiling, this will add height and make your room feel more open. There’s something about draping plants that’ll make your living room look like a backdrop from a Lord of the Rings movie.


8. Plants under spotlights

Plants under spotlights against an interior wall

This is a great idea if you have a dark living room where a floor lamp won't really illuminate the area well enough for you to see the greenery clearly. Place plants under a spotlight and you'll have beautiful, indirect lighting. This also works well if you're looking for an alternative to candles.


9. Hanging glass plant pots

Hanging glass plant pots with cacti inside

Hanging glass plant pots are not only elegant but also easy to decorate. Glass pots in general look very stylish and offer the opportunity to view your plants without actually touching them. They've grown so popular because their maintenance is so simple and easy: just hang them and water them when necessary.


10. Click & Grow vertical gardens

The Click & Grow Smart Garden 27 in a stylish living room

We couldn’t complete this list without mentioning our very own Click & Grow indoor gardens! We design them to make efficient use of vertical space. The Smart Garden 27 is perfect for placing against your wall, creating an oasis of greenery and ambient light. The Wall Farm is also commonly used to decorate walls and act as a divider between rooms as both the front and back look beautiful. To learn more about indoor gardens, click here.

"A plant in the hand is worth two in the bush." 

This old proverb is true in many ways. Plants are so much more than just decor in your living room. They can improve indoor air quality, add texture to a room, and be an all-around conversation piece. We hope this article has been a source of inspiration for you. Here’s to all plant lovers and the stylish living rooms you’ll create!

Image credit (top to bottom):

Kate Darmody

Sven Brandsma

Brett Taylor Photography/


Renata Ty/


Pawel Czerwinski



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