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3 Tasty Salad Recipes That Take Under 15 Minutes To Make

3 Tasty Salad Recipes That Take Under 15 Minutes To Make

smart garden collage


Summer's coming and it's the perfect time to start thinking about lighter, healthier meals. Here are some quick and easy salad recipes from talented cooks in our community. You can easily make these using fresh produce grown in your smart garden. Try them out for yourself and enjoy!

1. Tomatoes & Mozzarella with Fresh Basil

Tomatoes & Mozzarella with Fresh Basil

This delicious salad is playfully named ‘Yum or not yum!’ It was created by @tsuko_gluten_free who says: “Tomatoes and mozzarella with fresh basil has and always will be my favorite. I enjoy adding some fruits and easy ingredients I have at home.” 

Salad ingredients:





Fresh basil 

Salad dressing ingredients:

Lemon juice 

Olive oil 



2. Ham Hock & Pea Salad with Quail's Eggs & Edible Flowers

Ham Hock & Pea Salad with Quail's Eggs & Edible Flowers

Credit to @jacsfoodlove for this delightful recipe. Here’s what she had to say about it: “This salad is as tasty as it is beautiful. It’s made of ham hocks which are very inexpensive to buy but when cooked slowly and shredded are delicious. Grow the salad leaves, peas and edible flowers in a Click & Grow smart garden. It’s so rewarding when you can pick them fresh and pop them straight into the salad.”

Salad ingredients:

Ham hocks

Salad greens


Edible flowers

3. Green Leaf Salad

green leaf salad

This next recipe was created by @minimalistinsingapore who describes it as, “A bowl of salad for everyone.” Sounds good to us! “Also, on the dinner table is beef stew and a side dish of toasted bread to dip into the gravy. All the green leaves are grown indoors. Crisp and fresh, love it!”

Salad ingredients:


Garden cress

Broccoli leaves

Harvesting your greens

To make the most of your edible Click & Grow plants, be sure to harvest them at the right time. By doing so, you’ll enjoy them at their optimal taste and nutritional value. The method you use depends on the plant. 

If you’re using the Smart Garden 3, 9, 9PRO or 27, be sure to check out videos of different food harvesting methods on our YouTube channel and via the timed tips in our app. You can also check out harvesting tips on the plant’s product page in our catalog. Here’s an example of how to harvest one of our most popular salad greens, romaine lettuce:

If you’re using the Click & Grow 25, greens are ready to be removed from the garden just 5 weeks after planting, as the garden has 5 growing trays for a weekly rotation. This means you will always have fresh greens available to enjoy. 

So, there you have it - three scrumptious salad recipes that are quick and easy to make, and taste great. We hope you enjoy them! Have a favorite recipe of your own? Share it in our community!

Grow the freshest greens for your salads

Explore more:

How to Make Refreshing Green Juice 

How to Make Lemon Balm Lemonade

How to Make Tasty Grilled Kale


Image credit (top to bottom):





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