Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Click & Grow feeding the planet at EXPO Milano 2015


As a Click & Grow family member, we're sure that you also aim to be a part of change, a part of the future. Especially when it comes to one of the most quintessential components of the survival of human race - food. So besides working on making new future-of-food products for you, we always try to partner up and meet with people and brands who are on the same path. This is why in April 2015, we packed up 270 Click & Grow special-edition Smart flowerbeds with rosemary, and went on a quest to Milan to make the Estonian pavilion (CNN actually named it to be as one of the most impressive designs) of EXPO Milano 2015 even smarter and definitely greener.



In our eyes, EXPO Milano 2015 and Click & Grow fit together perfectly, since the their slogan might just as well be the slogan of Click & Grow: "Feeding the planet. Energy for life." EXPO Milano 2015 examines human history through the lens of two aspects of food production: traditional cultural values and the use of new technologies. In both Click & Grow and EXPO's opinions, these two aspects do not stand apart, but are very much interconnected, which is also the core of our productsWe have briefly talked about the changes that the entire population of the planet is currently facing on our blog before, and EXPO Milano 2015 is highlighting them and presenting solutions. 


Ever since the first edition in 1851 in The Crystal Palace of London, the Universal Exposition has been the perfect stage to show off the most ambitious successes that man has achieved over time. It is an occasion to share technologies, innovation and discoveries. It is also a moment to bring to life architectural projects or artistic movements, and a place where landscapes became cultural symbols of that time, like the Eiffel tower which was built in Paris when the city hosted the Exposition in 1889

Considering all of this, we are incredibly proud to be one of the brands presenting their idea of the future of food, having a voice in the discussion about the growing population and sustainability of the way we use our resources, and, of course, representing Estonia till October 31, the home country of Click & Grow together with other Estonian superstars.


Click & Grow as a part of the interior of the Estonian pavilion cafe


Skype room in the Estonian pavilion


Ulaelu outdoor kitchen set in an indoor forest in the Estonian pavilion


The Estonian pavilion showroom with a motorcycle by Renard motorcycles, a piano by Estonia pianos and Snakefloors floor


Borg, Derelic Furniture and Radis lounge with Humm sauna example and Audes sound system in the Estonian pavilion


Click & Grow Smart Herb Garden growing strong in Estonian pavilion


Borg furniture in the Estonian pavilion


EXPO Milano 2015 Estonian pavilion store


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