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Plant lamps

Plants & Light

Hey all! I've had a lot of questions lately about suitable plant lamps. So here is a tiny commented list with suitable products. If you are interested - check them out!

1. Plant LEDs - Check here. Blue and red leds are the most energy efficient plant lighting technology. A bit expensive though. Additional lighting with leds will produce heavy crops fast, but the purple light might not suit with all interiors.

2. Energy saving bulbs - Like this one. Almost every energy saving bulb will do! Best are the ones emitting "cool white" spectrum. You can find them in every hardware store and they fit almost all lamp sockets. A great and budget friendly technology, which will speed up plant growing.

3. High pressure sodium lamps and metal halids - these are two technologies that are used in commercial vegetable and flower growing. They make plants grow extremely fast, but are too bright for indoor use. But if your intention is to "produce", these technologies may be for you.

4. Incandescent bulbs - cheap but the least favorable option. Do not use these. They won't do any good.

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