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Click and Growers Talk Healthy Habits

Click and Growers Talk Healthy Habits

At the start of the year, we launched the ‘Healthier23’ challenge, encouraging Click and Growers around the world to share a new habit that’s improving their life. The responses we received were heartwarming and we’d like to share a few of them here!

Collage of plants growing in the Smart Garden 9.

@mafenogueraa has started some healthy habits that make her life less stressful. Here’s what she had to say:

“January is usually a difficult month for many people (including me). A new year, many changes and many challenges. Among the few small lifestyle changes that I adapted during this month which made me feel better and less stressed were:


1. Starting my @clickandgrow garden planting basil, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberry and lavender (I got too excited!) This garden was a gift from a very special person and I must say that I have loved it with all my soul. Every day when I come home from work, the first thing I do is check my plants. This is a perfect way to eat healthier and entertain yourself! I have always had a hard time having basil plants and I can finally say that I did it!


2. I started my love-hate relationship with the gym again. I'm working out every day and I'm starting to fully love it!


3. I started reading books again, something I've always loved.”

Collage of healthy food grown in a Click and Grow smart garden.

@mintysunshine has found a lot of happiness by growing healthy plants! She described her new habits as:

“1. Eating more greens this year. Best part is that I grew all these greens myself! Patting myself on the back.


2. I’ve added an office garden and it’s bringing me joy. I just picked some arugula, breen, Monte Carlo, baby kale, romaine, and butterhead lettuce for a quick side salad. Can’t get any fresher.”

Fresh greens growing in the Click and Grow Smart Garden 3.

@kimberley970 shared this photo along with the caption ‘Love my little garden!!’ 

Collage of yoga positions.

@dasha_shvaikovskaya is enjoying the many benefits of yoga this year! Here’s what she shared about her journey so far:

In the other half of January, I managed to get back to my new love - yoga.

Before I didn’t really understand the hype around doing yoga, but after getting a taste of it (by joining some group trainings & doing yoga at my own pace at home), I couldn’t recommend it more. It’s a fantastic way to move your body in a gentle way, stretch and build inner strength (yes, you still need to use your muscles to do the ‘Down Facing Dog’ and many other yoga movements.)

I also like the sense of calm and peacefulness after each session - it’s especially appreciated after a long, intense day by the screen(s).

My favorite has been following @adrienelouise / ‘Yoga With Adriene’ YouTube channel. She has really nice ‘yoga workouts’ for every level that only last 20-30 minutes - something you can definitely fit into even the busiest schedule.

Every January, she also starts the open ‘30 Day yoga challenge’ which everybody can join from the comfort of their own homes.

If I could recommend you try just 1 new thing this year, it would be ‘try yoga’!

Huge thanks to those who took part in the challenge. Feeling inspired? It’s never too late to start a new habit that’ll boost your well-being. Here’s to a happier, healthier rest of the year!

Read more:

5 Simple Habits That Will Make You Healthier & Less Stressed

5 Indoor Gardening Secrets to Unlock Your Happiness

Why Gardening Together Can Strengthen Your Relationship

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