Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Gardener of the Month - Featuring Judy from the UK

Gardener of the Month - Featuring Judy from the UK

Say hello to Judy, our gardener of the month from the UK! She talked to us about her passion for gardening and what she loves most about growing plants.

Indoor gardener

What does gardening mean to you and what role does it play in your life?

I have never actually considered myself a gardener until very recently. Since the pandemic, it has become an important part of my life. 


My gardens consist of pots and planters and, of course, my indoor gardens. They are things I can manage and arrange in a way that suits the space and the look I want.  

I love watching plants grow. It's a fascinating process. The Click and Grow is in my kitchen and having it so close means I can see the changes daily. It’s very satisfying when things grow successfully but also challenging when things don’t go as well. It makes me try to find the reasons and hopefully succeed next time.

When did you start growing with us and what’s been the highlight of your indoor gardening journey?

I purchased my unit in July 2020.  I have since gifted two others to friends and family.  

My highlight is the photo below of the lace fern. I do love the display from the moss rose too. I just love it. 

Lace fern

Which plants do you enjoy growing the most and why?


Flowers and ornamental plants are my favorites at the moment. I’ve tried salads, tomatoes and chilies etc. My absolute favorite plant is the lace fern. It takes a while to grow but the way it looks under the colored lights is beautiful. It makes the whole unit look like a tropical forest.   

What advice would you give new growers? 

Be patient and don’t be worried about pruning to keep the plants tidy and compact. Deadhead the flowers as advised. Transfer any suitable plants to larger pots to continue growing in the house or outside. I have 2-year-old wild strawberries thriving in the garden which started life in the Click and Grow.   

Plant collage

Thanks, Judy, for talking to us about your indoor gardening journey.


Stay tuned - next month we'll be featuring another gardener chosen by our Facebook community!


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All images by Judy

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