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Gardening Is Great For Your Mental Health, Here's Why

Gardening Is Great For Your Mental Health, Here's Why

Motivational sign on garden fence.

In an ever-changing world, stress busters are needed more than ever. Did you know that, in the UK for instance, 1 in 4 people experience mental health problems? As health services struggle to meet the needs of every patient, alternative forms of therapy become even more popular. So, could nature actually be an effective stress buster? Research certainly seems to think so! 

Gardening as a stress buster

Gardening isn’t just about growing plants or flowers anymore. It’s become a way of life and a way to express emotions while zapping away stress. A study in Sweden concluded that access to a garden had a positive impact on stress, even if it was a simple balcony. That’s great news for smart garden owners too - you can use one in almost any indoor space and enjoy the stress-relieving benefits of growing plants.

Click and Grow Smart Garden 9 in an office.

Need more convincing? Check out this study by the University of Exeter Medical School. Researchers found that people who moved to greener areas experienced an improvement in mental health. The effect lasted for at least three years. By simply growing plants on your kitchen counter or office desk, you’re already adding more greenery to your surroundings, which can have a positive effect on your mental well-being.

We think Belgian-American poet, May Sarton, described it perfectly when she said: “Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.” Without a doubt, gardening can be good for relieving stress!

Gardening as a cultivator of mental well-being

Person harvesting microgreens with scissors.

Many longtime gardeners will tell you that the garden is their happy place. Recent research suggests that interacting with plants can lead to mental health benefits, even for those who’ve never gardened before! Researchers from the University of Florida found that gardening activities lowered stress, anxiety and depression in healthy women who attended twice-weekly gardening classes. The women had never gardened before.

For gardening novices, smart gardens offer an easy way to enjoy the benefits of gardening with very little prior experience. If you have an outdoor garden, make use of that too! Even 5 minutes of being active in nature can boost self-esteem and mood.

Gardening as a way to change your outlook on life

Man holding fresh produce in a bowl.

Dr. Charlie Hall, Professor & Ellison Chair in the Department of Horticultural Sciences from Texas A&M University, shared this insight:

“As many people already knew and others discovered during the pandemic, plant-related hobbies like gardening offer an opportunity to enjoy nature and give a person a more positive outlook on life,”

Hall has done a lot of research into the positive effects that gardening and plants can have on your physical and mental well-being. An example is this study which talks about the many psychological benefits of plants and gardening in a variety of categories. Some of these benefits include decreased depression, better memory retention and increased happiness and life satisfaction.

The link between gardening and a positive outlook can certainly be seen in our Click and Grow community too. Recently, one of our gardeners of the month, Darrin from Singapore, talked about how gardening brings him ‘immense joy and calm to see each seed come to life, sprout and grow.’ Cathie from Germany said it’s ‘wonderful to have the time now to be part of nature’. Join Click and Grow’s Facebook community and you’ll find countless stories and photos of happy gardeners sharing their success!

Closeup of seedlings growing.

So, is gardening really good for your mental health? Absolutely! The studies we’ve shared in this post are only scratching the surface. Find out for yourself how gardening can have a positive impact on the way you feel. Don’t have an outdoor garden? No problem. With a Click and Grow smart indoor garden you’ll get to experience gardening’s benefits no matter where you live.

Grow plants for your well-being

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Image credit (top to bottom):

Mike Erskine

Click and Grow


Priscilla Du Preez

Francesco Gallarotti

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