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How the Click and Grow 25 Improves Your Health

How the Click and Grow 25 Improves Your Health

Woman looking at the Click and Grow 25.


Growing vitamin-rich greens

Greens are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, so eating them every day can help keep your energy high and stress levels low. By growing your own vitamin-rich greens at home, you’re taking a big step towards improving your health.

A common problem for grocery store shoppers is that the produce they buy isn't as vitamin-rich as it could be. Fruits and vegetables tend to lose 50% of their healthy nutrients within a week of being harvested. The Click and Grow 25 provides you with a constant supply of fresh, leafy greens that you can harvest and enjoy as soon as they’re ready. 

Leafy greens are especially good at covering for deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in your diet. It's recommended that adults should eat 1.5 cups of any dark green vegetable, along with 4 cups of other green vegetables per week. With the Click and Grow 25, it’s super easy to do this, especially with our membership ensuring you always have fresh greens to grow.

Man preparing a meal using greens grown in the Click & Grow 25.

Here are a just a few examples of the vitamin-rich greens you can grow with us:


A rich source of vitamins A, C, K, as well as calcium, folate, potassium, magnesium and iron. Just one cup (10gr) of Arugula covers 12% of an adult’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin K and 14% of vitamin A.

Green Chard

Naturally rich in vitamins A, B, C, dietary fiber, iron, magnesium and potassium. One cup of baby leaves (36 gr) covers 16% of your RDA for Vitamin A, 14% for Vitamin C and a whopping 332% for Vitamin K.

Leaf Mustard

An excellent source of vitamins A, C, K in addition to antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. A 56 gr cup of leaf mustard covers 13% of your RDA for vitamin E, 50% for vitamin A and completely covers your vitamin K needs. It’s also naturally rich in iron, calcium and magnesium. 

Red Kale

A 20 gr cup or red kale leaves covers 7% of your RDA for vitamin A, 26% for vitamin C and 90% for vitamin K. It’s also a reliable source of calcium, magnesium and iron. 

A single Click and Grow 25 module against a white background.

Growing cleaner, safer food

Foodborne illness is a serious issue. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 600 million people become sick every year as a result of contaminated food. 

When you grow food in your Click and Grow 25, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that no harmful substances are used. Before making plant pods, we test each batch of smart soil against 500 chemicals commonly used in agriculture to make sure it’s completely safe. Unlike much supermarket produce, your Click and Grow greens haven’t been treated to prolong their shelf life or exposed to transport-related pollution. 

The Click and Grow 25 will be one of your best investments in healthy living. Growing your own greens is a great way to ensure you're eating clean and getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs every day.

Grow healthy greens in the Click and Grow 25

Explore more:

Grow the freshest,tastiest herbs any time of year

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.

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