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How to Reuse Click & Grow Smart Soil as a Regular Potting Soil

How to Reuse Click & Grow Smart Soil as a Regular Potting Soil

Has your Click & Grow plant come to the end of its life cycle? Don’t throw away the plant pod just yet! Gardening is all about experimenting and trying new things - why not reuse the old smart soil as a regular potting soil for houseplants?


While it’s likely that most of the smart soil’s nutrients are already used up, it could still contain enough goodness to nourish new plants. Some users have found this to be a handy DIY solution which cuts back on bio waste and saves them having to buy regular soil for potted plants. 

If you would like to experiment with reusing smart soil as a regular potting soil, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Be sure to use a clean pot. This minimises the risk of pests or other plant diseases being transferred from previously grown potted plants.
  • Remove any mold or algae from the old smart soil if there is any and only use pods that are free from pests and plant diseases.
  • Remove any plant parts and roots. Only use parts of the smart soil that are unused by the previous plant.
  • Once cleaned, break it into smaller pieces but not into dust. Make sure the smaller pieces are large enough for there to be air pockets in the substrate so it won’t become too dense. Most houseplants need substrate with good drainage and aeration.
  • Keep in mind that smart soil retains more water than other common garden soils and you may need to rethink your watering habits. Also, make sure the pot has drainage at the bottom and the watering scheme is suitable for the plants you are growing. Avoid over watering and allow the soil to solidify between watering if your plant requires it.
  • If you don’t plan on replanting your houseplants, you could simply use the smart soil as a fresh topsoil. Dig it in gently and mix into your pot. Just be careful not to harm the roots of your plant. This way you won’t have to replant your plants every spring but you can still freshen up the substrate.
  • If you don’t plan on using the smart soil straight away, you may dry it and store it until you need it.
  • Once you’ve inserted the old smart soil into the pot and planted your new plant, you’ll need to care for it in the same way you would for a regular plant. Without a smart garden, there’s no automatic watering or lighting!

Have fun experimenting!

For further reading, check out our blog post:

7 Benefits You’ll Enjoy When Growing With Smart Soil

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