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Is Dried Mint as Good as Fresh?

Is Dried Mint as Good as Fresh?

Smart Garden 9

We’re big fans of mint here at Click & Grow, so it’s no surprise that we offer two varieties: peppermint and apple mint. Both are a lot of fun to grow in your smart garden. We’re sometimes asked, though, is dried mint as good as fresh? Let’s take a quick look at the two to help you decide.


The difference in flavor between dried mint and fresh mint is quite noticeable. Dried mint has a much stronger, more concentrated flavor. That’s because when you dry something out, it loses most of its moisture content. The same goes for dried herbs in general, which lose even more moisture than fresh herbs because they aren’t being kept hydrated by water molecules surrounding them.

Fresh mint leaves have a smooth texture and a menthol-like flavor. They have a sweet aroma that’s instantly noticeable before they’re even tasted. When dried, the texture becomes rougher and the flavor becomes sharper. 

The aroma also changes to become less sweet and more pungent or bitter-smelling. Mint leaves are commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine, Indian curry dishes and Asian stir fry meals.

Potted mint growing on a windowsill.

Using fresh v dried mint

Fresh mint is a wonderful herb to have in your kitchen. It's easy to grow, and it makes your dishes taste fresh and bright. If you don't have fresh mint on hand, dried can also be used in recipes.


Fresh mint is great for adding flavor to drinks, salads and dips. One of the most common ways to use fresh mint is in tea — either iced or hot, depending on your preference.

You can also add it to cocktails, fruit salads, pasta dishes, potato salads and more. 


You can use dried mint leaves as an alternative to fresh when cooking or baking. Dried leaves are often used in spice rubs for meats and poultry because they release their flavors slowly during cooking time — this helps season food without overpowering it with strong flavors from spices like garlic or onion powder. 

Dried herbs in general are great for adding flavor without moisture content; for example, if you're making bread crumbs out of stale bread cubes, dried parsley will add flavor without making the bread soggy again.

Mint in a brown paper bag on a table


How to Store Fresh Mint

Fresh mint should be stored in the refrigerator. If you don't have room for a full bunch of mint, store individual leaves in plastic bags or wrap them in damp paper towels and place them in the vegetable crisper drawer.

How to Store Dried Mint

Dried mint will keep indefinitely if stored properly. You can keep dried mint in glass jars or plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, but make sure they're kept away from heat and light as much as possible.


There’s no denying that dried mint isn’t as fragrant as chopped fresh mint. Despite this, dried mint has its own benefits - namely longer shelf life and no chance of your mint going bad before you can use it up. 

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Fresh, chopped mint will taste more fragrant in a dish like lamb tagine, but dried will work just fine in most recipes. Give them each a try, and see which works best for you. 

Grow Mint at Home Today

Click & Grow peppermint packaging and plant

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