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Olive Oil Cake with Fresh Rosemary | Click & Grow

Olive Oil Cake with Fresh Rosemary | Click & Grow

Happy birthday to us! We’re celebrating 12 incredible years of indoor gardening. To mark this occasion, we have a special recipe for you, put together and photographed by our designer, Marju Potter. If you’ve never tried olive oil cake with fresh rosemary, you’re in for a treat.

Why rosemary, you ask? It's a plant that’s traditionally associated with remembrance and love. While we’ve grown to become a global community, we’ll always remember our humble beginnings and our very first prototype garden.

This cake is light, fluffy and subtly sweet. It’s also simple to make! Enjoy a slice at breakfast time with coffee.


How to Make Olive Oil Cake with Fresh Rosemary



Baking ingredients and the Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 on a wooden table.


  • 3 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 cup / 170 g sugar, leave a few tablespoons for dusting the top
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary
  • 1  2/3 cup / 225 g flour
  • 2  1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
  • 3/4 teaspoon table salt
  • 3/4 cup / 180 ml extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1/4 cup / 60 ml milk
  • Some powdered sugar for decoration 



Woman harvesting rosemary from a Click & Grow Smart Garden 3

Cut some fresh rosemary and chop the leaves until you have 1 tablespoon’s worth. If you're not a big fan of rosemary, 1 tablespoon is enough to get a mild result. If you love rosemary, use 2-3 tablespoons, finely chopped. Set aside.

Woman adding eggs to a baking mixture.

Add eggs and sugar to bowl and foam with a mixer until eggs have tripled in volume.

Woman adding sugar to a baking mixture.

Mix dry ingredients and chopped rosemary in another bowl and slowly add to the eggs-sugar mixture. When flour is incorporated, slowly drizzle in olive oil and milk with the mixer still on. Mix until the batter becomes smooth.


Woman cutting parchment paper for baking.

Prepare a springform by lining the bottom with parchment paper and lightly greasing the springform sides with oil. Pour the batter into the prepared form and lightly dust the top with a few tablespoons of sugar. 


Woman decorating a cake with powdered sugar.

Place in a preheated (350°F / 180°C) oven and bake for 35 minutes. Remove when the toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let it cool for a few minutes before removing the springform. Decorate with powdered sugar. 

Cake topped with powdered sugar and fresh rosemary on a wooden table.

PRO TIP - Want to upgrade this simple yet tasty cake to a party cake? Decorate it with a delicious citrus-flavored cream cheese frosting. For the frosting, whisk together cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla extract and lime zest. 

For more food inspiration, follow Marju on instagram.

Shopping for your first indoor herb garden? Check out our ultimate guide here. We highlight the differences between our smaller gardens such as the Smart Garden 3 and our larger systems such as the Smart Garden 27 and Wall Farm. We also cover some key components in our technology: smart soil, grow lights, LED lights, plastic domes, water reservoir, basil pods and much more.

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