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Smart Garden 101: An introduction to Click & Grow indoor gardens

Smart Garden 101: An introduction to Click & Grow indoor gardens

Did you know plants benefit your life in multiple ways? They do wonders for your physical health, your emotions, your productivity, and even your stress levels

With a smart garden, it’s easier than ever to grow your favorite herbs, salads, fruits, vegetables and flowers at home. Smart gardens are self-growing, providing light and water for your plants around the clock.

With a smart garden you’ll be able to grow plants in 3 simple steps:

Smart gardens work in a similar style to coffee capsule machines. Instead of coffee pods, we produce biodegradable plant pods that you insert into your smart garden. These pods contain all the minerals and nutrients for healthy plant growth. 

Smart gardens are designed to make growing plants a stress-free experience. Once you’ve added the pods and water to your garden, you can plug it in and relax! The garden’s lamp provides your plants with the optimal amount of light and the garden waters itself. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying fresh, homegrown food. 

The garden’s energy efficient LED lamp has an inbuilt timer with a 16 hours on and 8 hours off cycle for optimal growth. The garden’s water float will let you know when it’s time to add more water. Our plants come with a sprouting guarantee - If you ever find one that doesn’t sprout, we’ll happily replace the pod.

Choosing your first Smart Garden

Receiving and unboxing your first Smart Garden is an unforgettable experience! Their compact, sleek designs make them suitable for any living space. Whatever your indoor gardening needs are, we’ve got you covered. Our current models include:

Smart Garden 3 

  • Perfect for entry level indoor gardening
  • Grows 3 fresh plants at a time
  • Ideal for small living spaces
  • Great for people who live alone or for getting young children interested in growing food

Smart Garden 9

  • Perfect family sized upgrade for those who want greater yields
  • Grows 9 fresh plants at a time
  • Larger than the Smart Garden 3 yet still compact enough to fit in most kitchens
  • Can be used to grow ingredients for cooking or even as a tea garden

Smart Garden 27

  • The ultimate indoor garden for the biggest possible yield
  • Grows 27 fresh plants at a time
  • Plant stand is a beautiful piece of interior decor
  • Ideal for a constant supply of salad greens and herbs to consume in every meal

Benefits you’ll enjoy when using a smart garden

Fresh, homegrown food 365 days a year

Enjoy the freshest tasting food any time of year, 100% free from additives.

Improved nutrition

Grow and consume the vitamin packed food your body deserves.

Reduced stress

Fragrant flowers, teas made from fresh herbs, and the sight of greenery have soothing effects on your mental wellbeing.

Less food waste

Grow only as much as you need, whenever you need it. 

Increased air quality

Plants can help filter out harmful chemicals from the air.

Unique decorating object

Smart gardens are a combination of practicality and beautiful nordic design. A perfect centerpiece for your home. 

Endless cooking possibilities 

Grow fresh, nutritious ingredients for your meals. 

Beautiful ambient light

A smart garden’s LED lamp also provides beautiful lighting for your living room, kitchen, bedroom or office.

Begin your indoor gardening adventure today

Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.
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