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Supercharge Your Cooking with these 5 Herbs

Supercharge Your Cooking with these 5 Herbs

Ask any keen gardener about their favorite herbs… You may notice their eyes light up!

Here at Click & Grow we believe in the amazing value of healthy herbs. They are easy plants to grow indoors so let’s look at some ways they can be enjoyed in cooking!


Culinary herbs

Some herbs particularly inspire us to cook and embrace sustainable eating by growing just what we need to use per dish, reducing wasted herbs.

In our experience, herbs can transform an ‘ordinary’ meal into an ‘outstanding’ meal. Herbs can often be the finishing touch on a dish, adding a certain element of flair and intrigue.


Often known as the ‘King of Herbs’, Basil is so versatile. One particularly interesting recipe to use Basil in is Spinach-Basil Lasagne. This herb’s unique flavour suits a variety of dishes. There’s nothing quite like the taste and aroma of freshly cut Basil.

Leaf Mustard

When having guests over, it’s an opportunity to make your dishes look extra special. Let your meal be a feast for the eyes. Leaf Mustard’s beautiful yellow flowers can be used to garnish any dish of your choice.


Many of us know Parsley as the first herb mentioned in the popular song, ‘Scarborough Fair’. It really is a game-changing herb. Use Parsley to add balance to savory dishes or even use it as a garnish. Why not try this delicious Italian recipe involving Parsley?


Chives are perfect for a variety of different cuisines. They can be featured in baked potato recipes, soups, salads, sauces and omelets. Chives are truly one of our favorite versatile and healthy herbs! Try this great Chive Butter recipe to accompany your grilled steaks or roasted poultry.


This herb has a wonderfully aromatic flavor. Thyme is used a lot in Italian cooking – where it is referred to as “timo, pronounced “tee-mo”. It’s used even more so in French cuisine. Check out this delicious biscuit recipe featuring Thyme.


Whether you are a beginner or an experienced chef, herbs are fantastic to cook with. It’s also great to know that you can grow your own herbs. All of the herbs listed in this blog can be grown in a Smart Garden 3 or 9.

For more information about what we do, head over to Discover how our Smart Gardens make growing greens indoors simple and enjoyable for all.

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