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This Is How Our Plants Secretly Celebrated Click & Grow’s Birthday

This Is How Our Plants Secretly Celebrated Click & Grow’s Birthday

As Click & Grow celebrates another birthday, we can only imagine this is how our plants secretly celebrated...

‘It’s that time of year already!’, shouted Green Lettuce as he checked the calendar in his kitchen. ‘Click & Grow is having another birthday. If I remember correctly, the party’s taking place in the Wall Farm this year, right?’

‘I believe so, there’s space for 51 plant in there!’, replied Lemon Basil. ‘Incredible to think it’s been over a decade since Click & Grow was founded. We’ll need to get special gifts for everyone. Who’s bringing the snacks this year?’ 

‘Hmm, no idea.’, replied Green Lettuce. ‘I’ll phone the Chili Pepper household and see if they can prepare something. They usually make incredible dishes.’

Click & Grow's Green Lettuce, Lemon Basil, Chili Pepper & Piri Piri Chili Pepper

So, Green Lettuce phoned the Chili Pepper family and Piri Piri Chili Pepper answered the phone. Within 5 minutes it was agreed that they would prepare some exotic chili cakes for the party. For those who prefer slightly milder flavours, there would be a delicious Chard salad. 

Finally, all the food arrangements were sorted... But they were still in need of decorations. Who would take care of those? Thankfully, Lavender called to say she could get time off work and that she’d bring her colleagues to the party! A host of stylish flowers such as Blue Petunia, Red Pansy, Cockscomb, Painted Nettle and many others would certainly add sparkle to the event.

The day of the party had finally arrived and everyone was getting ready. Mini tomato wore an eccentric green suit that complemented his red hue. Arugula wore a Click & Grow scarf she’d designed herself. Basil decided to give his leaves a neat trim using the Click & Grow herb shears. Everyone looked spectacular as they arrived at the Wall Farm at 8pm sharp.

The Click & Grow Wall Farm

Each plant enjoyed an incredible evening under the lights of the Wall Farm. They began by sharing recipe ideas and talking about the future of food. Curly Parsley talked about how she’s proud of Click & Grow’s 100% growth guarantee and how she loves bragging about it to her potted plant friends. Cinnamon Basil talked about how he felt indoor gardens bring him closer to nature. Growing side by side with plants he had no relation to was a whole new experience for him! Black Pansy then joined the conversation and shared how the Smart Garden 27 had given him a beautiful home. He loves it because it houses 27 plants, helping him make so many friends there. The garden’s sleek design blended beautifully with his creative, artistic personality. He heard that some new plants were going to be added to the shelf above him and he couldn’t wait to get acquainted!

Wild Strawberry then gave a testimony about how she’d learned so much from the Click & Grow community. She spoke of how she would hop out of her Smart Garden 9 and surf the ‘Ask a Gardener Forum’ online to see what interesting facts she could learn. Pak Choi then spoke about how Click & Grow helps him provide nutritional food for his family. He’s delighted that both he and his brother, Red Pak Choi, are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, along with so many other Click & Grow greens.

Later that evening they held a raffle. Prizes for the raffle included Click & Grow gift vouchers and cool accessories such as the Click & Grow herb saver. At the end of the evening, each plant made a celebratory speech and a toast was made to plant lovers all over the world. Here’s to a bright future of indoor gardening and lots of happiness for every indoor gardener!

Ready to enjoy 100% fresh homegrown greens anytime you like? Learn more about our easy-to-use indoor gardens here. Already own a smart garden? Choose from over 60 plant pods to start growing at home.

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Fully automated indoor gardens that grow plant pods for you while making sure they have enough water, light, oxygen and nutrients.
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