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Treat Yourself To This Dangerously Addictive Dip!

Treat Yourself To This Dangerously Addictive Dip!

We love this dip because it’s easy to make and incredibly tasty - the perfect compliment to any dip-worthy meal.

You’ll even be able to use Rosemary grown in your very own Smart Garden 3 or Smart Garden 9.

Name: White Bean Dip



- Garlic

- White beans (1 can)


1) Sautée a few sprigs of rosemary and garlic on a heavy skillet

2) Add in a can of white beans and continue to cook for a few minutes

3) Toss everything into a blender and add a good amount of great quality olive oil

4) Cream it together and let cool

5) Enjoy with crisp bread or vegetables!

Credit to Getter Madison for this great recipe.

Still hungry? Check out more of Getter’s recipes such as this delightful crème brûlée and this sumptuous stir-fry. Be sure to visit her website and Instagram page too.

Stay tuned to our blog for exciting features such as green living tips, ways to create sustainable homes, the importance of food safety, how to grow plants indoors and much more.
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