Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


WIN Smart Gardens & Plant Pods

WIN Smart Gardens & Plant Pods

We're holding our first photo contest with amazing prizes just for you!

We’re looking for creative pictures that reflect your love for indoor gardening, home decoration and interior design. Capture your friends, family or pets engaging with your bountiful Smart Gardens or stage a magazine worthy scene to show off your beautiful interior...



Rules to enter

- Take up to 5 creative photos featuring your Smart Gardens

- Submit the photos to

- We will choose the TOP 5 best photographers to receive prizes





- Try to take light, aesthetic, clean photos

- Produce as high quality content as possible

- Make sure there is plenty of light and use a tripod if possible

- Experiment with different camera angles

- Capture your friends, family or pets engaging with a Smart Garden

- Don’t feature any sad plants

- Be creative, experiment and have fun!




1st place - Smart Garden 9

2nd place - Smart Garden 3

3rd place - 5 Plant Pods of your choice

4th & 5th place  - 35% discount code to share with your friends and 2 Plant Pods of your choice

Due to popular demand, the submission deadline has been extended to 22 January 2019



Technical requirements

  • Files must be in JPG or TIFF format
  • Include your name in the filename
  • Any aspect ratio is acceptable
  • Shortest dimension of the photo should be at least 2000 pixels
  • The image must not contain any digital watermark
  • Editing is allowed

Images exceeding 5mb in size should be uploaded using and sent as a link.

The photographic entry must be your own work. By submitting your photos to the contest, you retain full copyright whilst giving Click & Grow unlimited permission to use the photographs without compensation on various online and print publications. You own all rights to the photo you are submitting and guarantee the consent of all individuals who are included in the photo and consent from the individuals who own the personal property featured in the photo.

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