Belay yo-ho-ho keelhaul squiffy black

Prow scuttle parrel provost Sail ho shrouds spirits boom mizzenmast yardarm. Pinnace holystone mizzenmast quarter crow's nest nipperkin grog yardarm hempen halter furl. Swab barque interloper chantey doubloon starboard grog black jack gangway rutters.


Your guide to plants, recipes and much more


    During the past years, urban farming aka. growing food in urban areas has become a world-wide trend, and it keeps on growing (pun intended). It has become stylish, it is being claimed to be the future of food, and new "smart gardening" brands are popping up faster than ever. But what is it that makes urban farming so irresistible and seemingly superior to traditional farming in the century of urbanization?

    6 benefits of urban farming vs. traditional farming
    Food Science Gardening and plants Indoor gardens

    6 benefits of urban farming vs. traditional farming


    Click & Grow has enabled people to successfully grow edibles, flowers and decoratives without watering, fertilizing, repotting, seeding etc. But we also want to make the geeks and the experimenters happy. The ones that believe that growing anything should be effortless. And here is our answer to those people - the seedless Experimental Plant Capsule. Get any seeds you want from the gardening store, put them in your Experimental Plant Capsule, click it in your Smart Herb Garden and see the magic happen. As easy as that.

    Smart Herb Garden now grows anything you want
    Gardening and plants Indoor gardens News

    Smart Herb Garden now grows anything you want


    On social media and from your emails, we've noticed that you get quite attached to the plants you grow in your Click & Grow. And for a reason! We do understand though that as much as you want to try out new plants, it is sad to see the "old" ones go. So before you send that sexy Smart Herb Garden mini tomato off to a better place, check out this little trick we have in our pocket - plant cloning in water. 

    Click & Clone your perfect-looking basil in 4 easy steps
    Gardening and plants Tips and Tricks

    Click & Clone your perfect-looking basil in 4 easy steps


    As a Click & Grow family member, we're sure that you also aim to be a part of change, a part of the future. Especially when it comes to one of the most quintessential components of the survival of human race - food. So besides working on making new future-of-food products for you, we always try to partner up and meet with people and brands who are on the same path. This is why in April 2015, we packed up 270 Click & Grow special-edition Smart flowerbeds with rosemary, and went on a quest to Milan to make the Estonian pavilion (CNN actually named it to be as one of the most impressive designs) of EXPO Milano 2015 even smarter and definitely greener.

    Click & Grow feeding the planet at EXPO Milano 2015
    Indoor gardens News Sustainability

    Click & Grow feeding the planet at EXPO Milano 2015

  • Photo: Golden rice vs white rice. UBC


    Before we jump into anything, let's make one thing clear: Click & Grow DOES NOT use genetically modified seeds or organisms in our products. The following is a scientific view on the processes taking place in nature and plant breeding.


    We have always been dependent on plants. In big picture, absolutely everything in our lives has more or less been made possible because of them. It also means that we are pretty good at draining this resource. If the population keeps growing at the same speed as now, then by 2050 we'll need 75% more food to survive. With natural resources not being able to pick up with our consumption habits, we have to find new ways to produce food cheaper and more efficiently. By now the best-found solution is to recombine the genetic codes of the plants to create stronger, hardier, better (and cheaper) offsprings. It might sound artificial, but it's actually what often happens in nature, and even the hated/loved GMO methods are inspired by this natural recombination aka traditional breeding methods. Here's how it happens.

    GMOs have their time and place. Here's the when, the where and the how.
    Food Science Gardening and plants

    GMOs have their time and place. Here's the when, the where and the how.

  • Photo: Click & Grow


    1. Incredibly developed plant genetics
    Agriculture used to be incredibly simple even back in the beginning of 20th century. A tomato was a tomato - red, roundish, medium size. A cucumber was a cucumber - green, rather tender, half a span long. And so on.


    Today, there is about 25 000 different tomato varieties and cultivars alone, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Every single herb, vegetable or fruit you have in your kitchen has countless “brothers” and “sisters”, differing from each other in shapes, sizes, colors, textures, flavors, scents, preferences, etc. Want to grow black strawberries? Voila. An apple that tastes like custard? No problem. Brainstorming options for saving paper? Here’s a tree that grows leaves that can be used as recycled paper. Want to set yourself on fire with the world's hottest chilies? Smoking Ed's 'Carolina Reaper' is at your service.
    3 reasons why growing food today is more exciting than ever
    Food Science Gardening and plants Indoor gardens

    3 reasons why growing food today is more exciting than ever


    We are a bunch that always tries to find new ways to do things, and you probably know it. After all, that is one of the main reasons there is Click & Grow. If everyone grows produce in the back yard, we're gonna go ahead and start growing it in a closet in our living room (aka Smart Farm). If everyone drinks pilsner on a hot summer day, we're gonna go ahead and cook up a Honey Basil ale.

    We've found a way to combine basil & beer.
    Foodie Recipes

    We've found a way to combine basil & beer.


    With the Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed being the most anticipated and the most celebrated Smart flowerbed Refill in the history of Click & Grow, we decided to put together a list of must-dos to help you get the most out of it.

    But before we begin, let's answer this one question. Why is it so cool to grow strawberries with Click & Grow?

    Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed from A to Z
    Gardening and plants Indoor gardens Tips and Tricks

    Strawberry Refill for Smart flowerbed from A to Z


    We all have been waiting a long time for a new product launch. But even the Click & Grow team did not fully believe that the next launch after the Smart Herb Garden is going to be this big, this revolutionary, and this futuristic... until today.

    This is our biggest launch EVER. The launch of the future.
    Indoor gardens News

    This is our biggest launch EVER. The launch of the future.


    We all know the usual reasons for someone having plants around - they're pretty to look at, they produce oxygen, they remove harmful substances from the air, as well as CO2 (yay Polar bears!). But there is a lot more to them than you think...


    4 Reasons Why Plants Would Make Great Superheroes
    Fun Stuff Mental health

    4 Reasons Why Plants Would Make Great Superheroes


    Here at Click & Grow, we're a bunch of daydreamers. We often wonder "What if...?", and then try to turn those fantasies into reality. And we're super excited when we find people who do the same.

    What if Earth would have Saturn's rings?
    Fun Stuff Sustainability

    What if Earth would have Saturn's rings?